Interactive Plan of Lepakshi Veerabhadraswamy Temple Ceiling Paintings

Draupadi Swayamvara

The Mahabharata episodes of Draupadi Svayamvara and Draupadi Kalyana where she marries all the five Pandavas is depicted in three scenes in this eastern-most panel painted in the ceiling of the eastern bay of the Natyamandapa. This epic narrative starts on the southern end of the panel with the scene of King Drupada and another lower status devotee standing in the Pramanjali posture worshipping Kala Bhairava, a fierce form of Shiva.

In the second scene, King Drupada seated with his daughter on his lap witnesses Arjuna shooting the revolving target Matsya Yantra while looking at the reflection of the target below. The adjacent grey skinned figure with a Vaishnava urdhva pundra on his forehead maybe Krishna or Draupadi’s twin brother Dhristadyumna. His left hand is pointing to the target and he is looking backwards. Draupadi’s face is also turned away. Although the Mahabharata mentions that Arjuna approaches the Panchala Desa and the contest spot in the attire of a Brahmin, in this scene he is depicted in princely attire.

The third scene portrays King Drupada and Krishna blessing Draupadi and Arjuna at their marriage with the other four Pandava brothers standing on the extreme left and a mysterious character in simple white clothing standing before them.

Another significant element in this painting is the fruit in the hand of Krishna/ Dhristadyumna in scene 2. A similar fruit shaped like a mango is also painted in the hand of one of Arjuna’s brothers standing on the extreme left of this panel. This fruit has a symbolic connotation. When Arjuna tells Kunti he has come home with the fruit of his valour, Kunti tells him that it must be divided and shared among the five brothers. Thus, Draupadi becomes the wife of the five Pandavas.

This panel measuring 5.67 meters (W) x 1.85 meters (H) has to read facing east from right to left.

- Balaji Srinivasan